Letters & Follow-up


  David on Wednesday's Child, 1995  
When I met David in February of 1995, he had been in state care for years and hoped for a family. We took him to the Sports Museum and heard him talk about getting a family that didn't smoke, or drink, or yell. I hadn't heard from David in years until December of 2004, when he wrote me an email, saying he had graduated from high school the preceding spring and was getting ready to take the union exam to become an electrician.

When I wrote back and asked him what had happened to him, this was his reply:

"This is Dave Callahan again. I never got adopted I moved from home to home and group homes until i was 11. A nice lady took me in and i lived with her and her family for 5 years. Sadly she passed away and I moved in with a friend. His parents took me out of state care and I moved from there to Waltham with my cousin. I got my license and graduated from Waltham high. I still live in Waltham I was going to college for a while and decided it wasn't for me. Now I am going to take the electrical exam for the union. Hopefully I will get in and be able to start a great new career and life for myself. Thanks again for writing back."

It breaks my heart when children don't get adopted. We have had a success rate of about 70 percent over the years. But, we have to try harder - because every child deserves a family.




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