Letters & Follow-up


January 31, 2005

Mr. Jack Williams
1170 Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA 02134-1092

Dear Mr. Williams

I am writing to you to request your signature for a school project. My sixth grade team has chosen to design a signature quilt that includes people who have made a positive difference in our lives. I believe that you deserve to be a part of this project.

Every Wednesday on WBZ News you do a segment called Wednesday's Child. I know this has led to many adoptions of children, and it makes me happy to know that these children are getting good, loving homes. It is especially important because I know that older children are harder to get adopted and most of the time are sent from foster home to foster home. You have helped these children a lot through the years. You have made a difference in the lives of so many children and families.

I have enclosed a piece of fabric, a fabric pen and a self-address stamped envelope. Please sign the fabric with the given pen and send it back as soon as possible. The pen is my gift to you. We appreciate your help on this project. Thank you for making a positive difference.

Sincerely yours,

6th Grade Student
c/o Miss Galeaz


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